
Very, very low. And falling. Enjoy it while you can, I guess, although it was a surprise that it was renewed for season 3, so who knows with AMC?

Loved that S2 episode that was dedicated to his life outside of Mutiny.

But a fictional figure in the world of the show, was my point.

That… was some bad luck, timing-wise, right there.

God, I've missed you.


I was making a humor-joke.

Hi. I was responding to the commenter's implication that we grade on a curve based on something like how much we like or admire someone involved. Which we don't.

God, it wildly depends. Ranging from "never, ever, never" to a few weeks. Depends on the show, network.

Eh, they'd probably ask if you wanted some cake.

You are the nice one. Watch out for that Salieri fellow—I don't like the looks of that guy.

Talk to my parents.

Believe me, as a writer, I'd love it if LaToya got to keep reviewing this, as she is amazing. (Plus other things that have been dropped—because then I might get to write more, too.)

Screeners are my pal.

Thanks for reading!
While I respect that we have different opinions on the quality of the episode, the "they're just grading it on a curve because of past work" is not true. I'm a professional TV critic who judges things on their own merits.

He suuuure is.