
I was just making a humor-joke.

Freeze-frame is my pal.

I can dig it. Hmm.

And before we met him, he's reported to have stormed out of IBM after doing something like a million dollars in damage. That's why Ken and the board had a "Joe MacMillan clause" protecting them if he decided to throw another expensive tantrum once they'd given him the boot.

Thanks, Opus.

Huh. Weird…

Donna and Gordon have kids?

Thanks, Wylla. I really appreciate you reading them.

It's okay. I understand what you're saying—but there's a central flaw in Narcos' storytelling that they're just stuck with, and it's Murphy. Remember how elaborately his backstory and personal life were set up at the start? The show was intended as a Pablo vs. Murphy showdown to an extent, and Murphy has never been

She's a monster, but that was some cold business.

I'm up for it. It's up to the readership numbers on this season. Which I do not know, being a lowly writer and all. Still—I'll pitch it.

Gotta make that English degree pay somehow.

Fair enough. Tell your friends.

I always felt Moura did some great shirt gap acting.

Thanks, CP.

Perfectly cromulent.


Thanks, as ever, for the kind words, Mrs. A. Yup—I'm on The Good Place duty for as long as the show—and AV Club coverage lasts.

Florence Nightingale… juuust missed the cut.

Whoops, yup. Typo. Fixing now, thanks.