
You know, for all the nice things you just said, I'm gonna let Perky D slide just this once. Thanks, you.

Thank you. I really appreciate that.

Thanks for reading, you.

Sort of like how BJ Novak was in the main credits for the whole run of The Office.

Thanks for reading, you.

Oh, we live in perpetual embarrassment up here. Don't worry—they keep him contained for the most part.

Outstanding stuff from Zack. Outstanding.



Thanks for posting and reading, you.

Stay tuned.

Tell those people.

Sure, sure.

Thanks for the support, you.

Me too! Like the show itself, it was on the bubble, but TV Club ain't run by no dummies.

Like I said, if they want to do "Huss sings Sinatra" every week, I'm all in.

Not to read to much into a porn 'stache, but I see Gordon's changing look as central to his character. He keeps trying to adapt, and while there's technically nothing wrong with his efforts, he can never quite pull off who he wants to be.

Well, I think Joe's definitely in there, for sure.

Agreed! (Also, my review of the two new episodes tonight are/will be up soon.)