
It is. I think last season had the highest number of shaky episodes, but it was still extremely solid, and had a few all-time classics. I keep trying to explain how they do it. It's still hard to pin down.…

It's been renewed for three more seasons, through season 14.

Because Dennis is a bastard man!

I'm a five-star reviewer!

I get jokes.

Dennis Perkins: Accidental But Awesome

Live to serve ya'.

Gah. Apologies. That show has the most erratic schedule. Fix will be up soon.

You are the nice one.

Ah, the old, "AV Club is on the take" argument. Wondering when that nonsense would show up. Took a little longer than usual, to be honest. Not to be repetitive, but that's nonsense. Of the highest order. Please stop the nonsense. Carl… nonsense. Nonsense, Carl. Stop. With the nonsense.

No. Farley and Sandler are (were, in Farley's case, RIP) conservatives, and there was quite a bit of Republican triumphalism in sketches about the Gingrich-led Congress at the time. I was there. Not a criticism so much as a verifiable fact.

Hi Carl.
The whole point is that O'Reilly felt it necessary to play the contrarian to counter a fact in Michelle Obama's speech as a sop to his Fox News demographic. I'm hardly "making shit up," in the sense that Bill O'Reilly did just that. His whole schtick is to counter any criticism of the United States, no matter

'Morning. Heading to bed—I'll catch up with all the hate-mail comments tomorrow. 'Night.


We can be both.


Jerry. Rocky. (Now seriously—goin' to bed, you knuckleknobs.)

Knew I could count on you. Meet you back here next Wednesday. Goin' to sleep now—I'm not in full "reviewing SNL" shape.
