
Glad to help.

Was on my ballot, I swear.

Great stuff. I genuinely could read an entire book on this season. Get on it, Nathan.

Or, you know, a lot of really interesting writers putting their heads together to examine the best comedies of the last 16 years in an attempt to chart the evolution of screen comedy. Tomato-tomato.

Everybody's mad! So, so mad!


Thanks. I have never regretted taking an assignment. Not really, But that one became such a disappointing slog that I—writing a review a day—got very dispirited by the end. Didn't expect that one to get more coverage, you're right.

Awww, peaches!

Word count, m'man. But, yeah. Great episode. Great show.

And ongoing, concerning Ms. Henner. The joke on Brooklyn 99 was that she was too old for Charles, but I was not having it.

Just thought it was about one poor unfortunate guy with a genetic predisposition. Taxi wasn't super-square about drug stuff, as I recall.

Well, I'll keep writin' 'em and see what happens.

Yeah, he was actually 44 or 45 there. Just go with it.

His first appearance, as I recall anyway, was as the guy brought in to preside over Latka's green card marriage. He was introduced as "Reverend Jim" there, but only infrequently thereafter. Again, working from old-guy memories.

Yeah "sky is falling/this site sucks now" seemed to have the early polling lead, annoyingly.
No fun for writers like, well, all of us who lost shows, but hardly the "we're turning into apocalypse that some were howling about.

Six? Movin' on up!

What you said.

And, in case people were wondering, considering the recent… unpleasantness, my Halt reviews will be back as well.