
Apologies. Fixed.

I sense… a conspiracy.

I know that, yeah. But the Voting Rights Act is discussed at the end of the film as being the one that King and Johnson team up to pass the next year. And the stripping of voting rights from the 1964 act is a major point of contention in the film.

Weirdly, he's played Hoover twice now. He was J. Edgar in Chaplin as well.

I did not make that joke. But you did.

Thanks, Les.

Just to butt in because I'm me and someone in the world mentioned Smoke—Smoke is great. That song, in the context of the movie, is even greater. See Smoke. That is all.

I am on the high-wire!
And, being old, the idea that there have been 600 episodes makes me wrap the afghan tighter around my knees and rock pensively, staring out the window.

You're lucky grandpa could figure out the stills. Baby steps, m'man.

No, he decided to leave in 1979 and NBC hired Ebersol to take over.

She blew her one line last week. I love Leslie, but…

Get out my head, man.

I'd call it "reliable scuttlebutt."

I love absurdist comedy. I just didn't like this one sketch very much. [Shrugs.]

Sorry you didn't like it. Thanks for reading, though. Goin' to sleep now. All the best.

Her checking her date book was pretty great work from Kate.

No axe. Just opinion.

I know I bring it up, but that's because I think the running theme of SNL's internal response to the Trump hosting issue is fascinating. And relevant. Honestly, I think the show's response to what was seen by a lot of fans (and me) as a cripplingly terrible and compromising decision strikes at the very heart of SNL. I

It's in the musical section. I liked it fine.