
Thanks. I'm fine.

Jerry, Rocky.


[Nods head with rage-eyes.]


Me, too! (Although, I would.)

Sorry to disabuse you of… whatever conspiracy theory is being proposed. Bill Odenkirk is a great comedy writer who's consistently written for outstanding comedy shows (two starring Bob, fair enough). There's no "AV Club kissy assy, etc" going on. It's just me. I wrote it. I like Odenkirk's scripts as a rule, and I

Prepare to have your ankles nipped!

Thanks, LS.

Episode running times have been shrinking steadily. If it's any consolation, I go back for them all fully intending to highlight them in the reviews and generally decide they're not worth it. Lost art, it seems.

What's your source on this?

Oh, no— I'm through. Looks like suicide again for me.

Still, I didn't catch it. Therefore—fired.

Just wait 'til the "live" episode next week—some tired wrists there, I imagine.

Point of order: I have, in fact, been fired for that blunder. Nice knowing you all.

He suffered some really serious health problems a while back & does look older, but yeah—still startlingly the same once he gets into those CL duds. Maybe because he's about the age I always assumed the Church Lady actually should be.

I've thought about it. He's done some great impressions and some very good non-impression stuff, but he hasn't become the star I thought he would. I blame the writing—his Obama is technically perfect, but he hardly appears any more because, seemingly, the writers can't think of anything for him to say.

Thanks, Jordo. I like the comments. I think, without buttering anyone up, that the AV Club has the best, most informed, funniest, and more or less most dignified commentariat around. Which doesn't preclude some real abusive creeps squeezing through, but that's a rant for another day.

She really pops in her small number of appearances there. The episode where she calls Abed on his selfishness in the VCR game episode marked her out as someone who could graduate to regular status. You know, should such a think somehow become necessary. (See my entry herein for my blueprint: