
Was listening to my Pandora station while I wrote this! I may be single-handedly keeping it going!

He has a lot of reservations, and they are testing the fences, trying to get out.

I like both of those alternate explanations.

Ohhh, you….
Ders said "sharks," so I used that.

One last time: ….

He is… difficult.


You will get nothing out of me.

Nothing about nothing!

Not to say anything about anything, but tune in next week.

It was unknown to them at the time.

Thanks, Beema. You are a very kind sandwich.

While I'm not all that concerned with how people interpret it, I will say that I am, always, very grateful that people take the time and effort to read anything I write. And to comment, even. So, in all seriousness, thanks for reading.

"Listen, you mannequin…"

We can settle it with a "talking like this" contest.

I pretty much begged for one, since it was impossible to talk about the lead character without explaining all the spoiler-y secrets behind his behavior. It's that thing of wanting to do a comprehensive review and not wanting to derail whatever enjoyment viewers would get from learning the secrets on their own.

You are very nice.

Live to serve ya'.

But there have been some real, actual good Simpsons episodes this year. Like, ones I wouldn't mind watching again just to see them. One common denominator—if the show hasn't locked down writer Carolyn Omine yet, they should get on that.