
Well, we're in the same letter-space anyway. I dunno—especially in a season where there have been real B+/A- episodes to compare it to, I don't see this as being on the same level. And believe me—no one is happier than I am that this season has nudged the bar a little higher than it's been.
Anyway, thanks for reading.

Like I said in the review (and feel like I keep repeating, sorry), there's a consistent penchant these days to go for an easy joke at the expense of the show and its characters. I do know that that puts me firmly in the Comic Book Guy category, but it's also true that there are times when we who have a long history

Right? I mean, Nelson's no prize or anything, but…

Wait, that's why I'm insane? I have to call my therapist… he'll be so relieved, thanks.

I will do it just to spite you!

Oh, I'll carry on.

Lucky devil.


Well, they did.

Very kind of you. Thanks for reading.

Hello… Jerry.

That is also my plan. Leslie Knope will always come through.

I like doing that. I generally do it until someone says something especially hurtful, ignorant, and awful. Annnnd….[scanning down]. Yup, I'm about done.
Again, and seriously, thanks for reading.

No one has more respect for what SNL is, has been, or represents than I do. I grew up watching this show—it's rewritten my comedy DNA, much like it has American comedy's DNA. I not only appreciate how amazingly, insanely hard it is to put on a 90 minute live comedy show, I think that the very inconsistency that that

Oh, my aggressiveness is never passive. Sometimes I do it, sometimes I don't—if its any consolation, I'm always grateful when anyone reads what I write and takes the time to write. Even when… you know.

My "hacky bullshit" was more to the point—the idea of the leering, spendthrift Arab in traditional dress in America trope was a staple of comedy back to the Carter administration. Cheech & Chong did a whole movie of that, for crying out loud. Here there was no spin, no insight, no meta-commentary—it was just the

On the very short list of recurring bits/characters I never tired of, Herb is right at the top.

I am sorry, but I cannot favorite this one.