
We all are.

As long as Ryan Murphy isn't involved.


The thing is—depending on how the whole heaven thing plays out—it's the Gang's combined vision of God. What… could that be.

You know why.

Part 2 is next week. All shall be revealed.

Dennis=creepy as hell. I mean, that Dennis. Not all Dennises. Some of us are okay.

It went right up the the edge, and possibly over, but the fact that Dennis' was surprised that the poor girl fled screaming ("That's not supposed to happen") at least indicated that he wasn't prepared to force himself on her. You know, if the implications didn't work on her.

Still, though—I'm with @ror@funkdoc1112:disqus on this one.

A possibility, certainly.

You're very kind. Thanks again, you.

No offense. As I said, I think he uses the KK as a launching pad for a lot of well-integrated material.

I agree he was great on The Daily Show. And "ultimately ill fated" referred to the unfortunate way he left—on WTF, Cenac described the aftermath of his confrontation with Stewart as a year-long period of alienation and ill-feelings.

Agreed. (On the album, he does mention that he's growing his hair and beard out for a new movie role.)

[sobs] I love you, man!!

I'm not drunk—YOU'RE drunk!
(Fixed, thanks.)

According to the late Eirik, it was half his men who were planning to revolt, so he's most likely got the other half left.

We're making the effort, man. Don't give up on us.

I get that, but I think Ragnar definitely had the Athelstan reference going in order to twist the knife.

Tell me about it.