

[Breaks out battered acoustic guitar] Gather 'round, children, and I'll tell you the tale of the Titanoboa… Twas a cold cretaceous night, and…


She really is. Happy to help out. Forgive me not being LaToya.


You're welcome! Wait, thanks. (I need to go to sleep.)

We all pay the price for Fox's policy of not giving me Simpsons screeners. Fixed it, thanks.

It was on her desk! Ahhh! (I did fix the Terry Gross thing. Thanks.)

All clicks and whistles to my ears.

I have no idea who this Trump, is it, person you're referring to, but thanks for reading!

Even at this late date, we Simpsons fans live in hope.

It's actual punches, though.

Thanks for reading so intently!

Odo has a whole "leering court adviser" thing going for Gisla—that and his 50 Shades BDSM dungeon.

My first language was Cthulhu.
