Dennis Clementi

I have to say it even after all these years Teri Hatcher wow. That aside I am hoping that next season all the DC shows have a sort of "Crises on Infinite Earth" arc. All this crossing over to different Earths is getting tiring. A Green Lantern reference would also be most welcome or even a mention or Ora.

I have only two problems with this film(minor) should't Krennic be refered too as Project Manager Krennic the character functioned as a Project Manger not a Director.
No wonder Darth Vader had so much contempt for him, manage the project get the Death Star built and the bugs worked out then bitch.

One question that keeps bothering me, did the Evil Queens wish create a new self-sustaining world, does this new world end when Emma and the Queen go back to Stroybrooke ?

What I liked about casting Rebecca Mader "Zelena" as Hades love interest is according to Greek mythos Hades was in love with Persephone the goddess of Spring who is depicted as having red hair green eyes, and since she is the goddess of vegetation sometimes green skin.

Two things I don't understand the Reverse Flash was searching for the exact time period the Flash lived in, did history books or newspaper archives disappear? Also if he came from a time remnant outside of our timeline why would he even know about the Flash in a different timeline ?