Dennis Bylski

Its mind boggling. This site said the guys criticism was justified because the submarine didnt work to save them? What the heck did anyone at gizmodo do to help?

Elon was only “roasted” by you fools for all the positive coverage he was getting from everyone else. What is giz doing to help anyone anywhere? 

There’s a perception that he’s only in it for the publicity or something.  

Holy fuck Gizmodo. What sort of interview process do you have that you only manage to select people so completely insecure in their own self worth that literally half the articles are about how Musk is a real dirt bag for helping people?

F-The nayayers! At least he’s TRYING and DOING SOMETHING and not sitting on his ass saying “If I were them, all they have to do is blah blah blah” and talking out his ass, and actually at least making an effort to TRY and help which is much more than MANY have even considered much less sent a small submarine capsule

Adam sounds like a jilted lover at times.  Did Elon hurt you, Adam?

The writers at Gizmodo and this whole operation have horrible opinions that they feel the need to shove down our throats and ruin otherwise half decent articles. I was just trying to recall at what point they decided they didn’t like Elon Musk, as every article they wrote for years was nothing but praise. Now they

The email needs to be printed out and shoved in Adams mouth. 

This article needs to shoved up his ass. Adam has always been the laughing stock at Gizmodo for quite some time now. He’s a pathetic beta male who’s only purpose is to write trash articles and generate page clicks. 

Adam, you just lost all respect I had for you. We should not be shaming people that try to help, whether the help was needed or not. He has been very clear about his intentions to try to help if needed and if not, then great. He has also tweeted that the rescue was all the Thai government and he was not needed, but he

The submarine thing turned out to not be needed, but I don’t understand the tone of this article. You already had an article on this site about the minisub and how it wasn’t useful. What does this article add?

And who did his actions hurt?  No one but your fragile ego, apparently.