
I agree with you. But I think this is going to be one of those patents Apple will just sit on so that nobody else could implement it. I actually have a Pico mini projector and only use it to trace pencil outlines into a canvas before I paint over it. I don't think too many people (with the exception of me, of course)

This is no surprise. The did away with unlimited data. Then they tiered their DSL services a few months back (which I'm still confused as to how and why, when 70% of users are on Comcast and AT&T's claiming that they have over users on their home network as well. This boggles me considering that DSL doesn't aggregate

"Lastly, if I try to "squeeze everything" whatever that means, out of the connection that I have a contract for which says simply "unlimited data" and for which I have paid a premium since day one, I should damn well be able to do so."

What I don't understand is that if you're paying for unlimited data, and you take advantage of it, why would you call that person a hog? How do you know that it's affecting other users on the network? What if the "HOG" lives in NY, and you lived in South Carolina. AT&T service sucks in SC, so would you blame it on the

You'd think if Apple just released a subsidized version of their fable handset on the carrier, they wouldn't need a buy out.

This is starting to get pathetic. Why in the hell does Sam Biddle post these articles. If I wanted the latest up to date news on local theft in the area I would just turn on the tube. Articles like this and other non gadget related posts is the reason why I stopped posting on this site. If it wasn't for the weekly

I don't want to assume, but your comment to me came off, in my opinion, as rude and condescending. I don't quite understand the point you were trying to make based off in my answer to Dragonfang18's question. I wasn't sure if you agreed with my response or disagreed since your comment simply seem to contradict and

Two cops died in Miami for going to someone's house and attempting to make an arrest based on an outstanding warrant. They died trying to do their jobs knowing that the this guy has a history of assaulting police officers, hence the reason why he's being picked up. Two weeks after this incident, other cops from

Yes. Miami is very dangerous. As someone who's lived here 21 years out of my life, I can tell you that the police here are very crooked. This year alone there's been 2 cops dead at the hands of a suspect and maybe 7 or 8 suspects dead at the hands of police. And still, Memorial Day weekend was over 300,000 individuals

"It's a brave stance, and an admirable one. It's also one the company will need if it wants to not die." LMAO!!!!

Yes, there was. By the way, many retailers racially stereotype. It's in their nature to fend off any potential threat to their core of business which is to generate profit. That's why I do my shopping online.

Does anyone know if they'll allow music that wasn't purchased through iTunes?

Oh great!! This is the sidekick experience all over again!!!

Wow. That was really ignorant of you. Respond back when you decide to grow up.

I honestly don't get what you just said. Forgive, but I couldn't help but assume you were throwing a blow about me in some way. What do you mean by your kind? Where's you argument?

I don't know actually. I'm just going by the speculation on behalf of the students who claimed that they were in the class when the incident occurred. If you follow the link to the article, you could read all the comments people have to say about the girl. And like you said, your director would just fire you. Or even

You're comparing throwing a punch at someone then filing for assault after getting my ass kick to a student disobeying a request then getting her fingers smashed in between an LCD screen and her keyboards? Really, Raike? I agree the situation is trivial. I absolutely agree that if she didn't want to be there to learn

Definition of assult: an unlawful physical attack upon another; an attempt or offer to do violence to another, with or without battery (keyword battery - an unlawful attack upon another person by beating or wounding, or by touching in an offensive manner), as by holding a stone or club in a threatening manner.

You should be arrested for throwing her picture up on this site. Who does that? That's an invasion of privacy, did you know that? You have no right to do so. Comparing this incident to throwing fast food is your argument? Seriously, bro? You actually agree with the action professor Rybicki carried out against this

Thank you.