A regular occurring article that’s been a part of the AV Club for years, predating the Univision acquisition.
A regular occurring article that’s been a part of the AV Club for years, predating the Univision acquisition.
This is seriously the only football content I care to consume. It is the best.
Hey, this isn’t the Jamboroo, pal!
I hear this entire thread in Conan O’Brien’s voice.
Joining the celebration at the return of Block & Tackle.
I actually did give up the NFL in 2017 from the combined ethical sadness over the CTE reports and Kaepernick fall out (I am pro-Kaepernick and abasic understanding of clearly explained symbolic gestures and anti-police brutality and really, really stupid…
Block and Tingl- uhh, I mean Tackle... is back! Yay! Foootbawwwlll timeeeee. Woooo
It can be two things.
Swell idea, chum! A gridiron date with your best gal is a surefire ticket for vo-de-oh-doh!
*blows whistle* Flag on the play! Mixing Simpsons References! The “Enormous woman will devour us all!” guy jumps off a pier, while the “PTA has disbanded!” guy is the one who jumps out a window! 10 yards, repeat comment!
HOLY SHIT NEW BLOCK AND TACKLE! The only thing that could make this better is if the Bills long-snap their way to victory on Sunday! Which will surely happen considering they’re playing the lowly Jets, who don’t even have a SUPERTHREAD in their favor right now...
Well all I know is, I want to be in whatever timeline has the return of Block and Tackle to the AV Club.
“Youse guys wanna play Stickball?”
:: jumps out window ::
Don’t forget to tie an onion to your belt!
I’m pretty sure this is the most A+ #1 article written about footsball in the history of mankind.
In what way was it tearing apart #MeToo? I only saw it tearing apart the toxic behavior of people that don’t understand the movement (Charlie, Mac, Frank) or exploit the movement for their own gains (Dennis and Dee).
You’re thinking back to Manstrong’s speech about Phantom Space Man to the Boys in Episode Damn 2 of the series, “Careers in Science.”