Dennis O'Connor

Wasp releases like this have been going on for decades. You can actually mail order a box of tiny wasps to release on your own, depending on what kind of pest you've got.

NFC future location?

Perhaps you're overlooking the reason for putting a banana into a plastic bag: to keep it from turning brown, and extending shelf life. porn movies on the list?

Google Voice translates my voicemails into text, then e-mails me and forwards a copy to my cell phone. So I never actually need to *listen* to a voice mail.

Old news, by like a decade. Even small airports like Sacramento, CA have this system in place in their parking lot. You lost your parking ticket? They'll tell you when you arrived in the lot so they can charge you the appropriate amount. Forgot where you parked your car? They'll tell you where it is.

Er...rotate it 45 degrees and it won't be as wide.

Come on - Bane was even in the Lego Batman game!

The white ones are made of Unobtanium. The real story is there's some problem with the mine, and the military has been sent in to sort things out.

Look at the size of that thing!

Wait...why is the Chevy Volt being called an "electric car" if it still has a combustion engine? Are they saying the by adding an external charger makes it an electric car?

Yeah...this is what scuba divers have been doing for, um, 30 years now.

As you descend, the air in your lungs compresses 1X for every 10M you dive. At 100M that's 1/10th the volume of air at the surface. The deeper you go the more dense you become, so the less buoyant you get.

The intent is probably to intentionally make legacy apps look like junk, so they couldn't just pixel double. If they did pixel double, what's the point of a 'retina' display where you can't see the pixels?