Dennis M. Parente Jr.

Exactly, Snake. I had figured that while you were able to upload the pics at high-res, they would have gotten converted to the lower-res at some point to save server space. Upload high, get low. But have they been kept as the high resolution originals on the server?

Are there any indications as to whether we will have to reupload our pictures to take advantage of the higher resolution shots, or have they been saved in their original size?

"I wonder how earless rabbits taste like"

Now playing

"You are listening to Los Angeles"? I hope someone consulted Mike Doughty in regards to SC's old song, "Screenwriter's Blues". Direct line from the song repeated several times. Spooky.

Jarvis. No question.

Yeah; all of these features are fairly cool, but I have concerns.

Came for the Snozberry reference. Leaving happy.

There is nothing like an intelligently written story on a difficult subject containing a substantially large number of links and references. It's saying, "Here's the problem - and don't take my word for it; look for yourself."

"It is an irresponsible response and a disservice to people who rely on them for information and use their services. It is also an abuse of power given the freedoms these companies enjoy in the marketplace today."

They carry flat, two in a sheath, solid steel construction with full metal handle (nothing to loosen up or warp). Perfect fit for the wide back pocket.

The bag that I use for my iPad is a bit....well, man-baggy. But when I upgraded more room from my last bag (barely bigger than a map case), I decided that I was gonna go whole-hog utility bag. It holds:

"We HAVE the Holy Spam Grenade...."

Gah, you totally beat me to it. :)

Perhaps Not and CC win. :)

Actually, something similar occurred to me the other day.

Yeah, ya beat me to it. :)

One ring to call them all

This would never work for me. I need glass wine bottles.

Now playing

I've been having issues with my stepfather's propaganda-ridden, non-BCC'd, agonizingly long Emails for a while now. I think I've got it stopped, after I show this to MOM.....

Performa 550. 5M of RAM, 120M hard drive, 25 Mhz processor. I was so impressed by it. The power key was ON the keyboard!