
Adobe, if you want to beat Apple, cut Flash and CS support for Macs. Apple will have to cave.

Does this mean that if I go down to my local Apple Store and ask, I'll be able to get one for less?

That would work as well.

Yes, but Apple have found other ways to make it cheaper. E.G- The screen does not have IPS.

Why not just base it on an iPod touch? Think about it. The 4th gen has most of the features of the iPhone 4, yet is still around £300 cheaper. Just add the required chips and antennae. It's been done with the Apple Peel ([]

Am I the only person who thinks that "The Dark Side" should be a blog on it's own?


Wait, this is new? We've had this for ages in the UK.

If you were going to learn to a new coding language from scratch, without any previous experience, which would it be?

Nice pic Jesus


Weep? I just laugh at their pathetic attempts.

Seriously, it's ugly. And having an edge to edge screen is just asking for trouble.

No thanks.

Since when does Vodafone care about anything apart from my money?

This is why, for the average user, the iPhone is better. I'm not a fanboy, I have both iOS and android, and for me the iOS UI is simpler and cleaner. I let my friend use my iPhone, and I didn't need to explain a thing. I had to explain a lot when it came to android though.

Who ever drew the sad face on the iPhone, NICE!!! I like it! I still prefer my jailbroken iPhone though, purely because of the way it looks (and the fact it can go on iTunes and installous)

Ou are spending good bucks?

This is how I made mine.