
I had issues with family members (the kind who go to jail for domestic issues, gun violence, etc.) because I decided to move away and wash my hands of them, which incensed them. When facebook decided that EVERYBODY had to be searchable, I distorted my name. I did this until I became convinced that all the people I

When a person is entry-level, everything counts, and you have to find a way to connect the dots in your description. Once enough relevant experience has been accumulated, I always advise people (when wearing my recruitment hat) that they use the heading "Professional Experience" or "Professional Highlights",

I buy CDs when I am interested in the complete CD, individual downloads when there's just one thing. I tend not to listen to anything really popular, though. My interest in contemporary music is almost nonexistent, unless it's Broadway (something like If/Then).

I always try to remember that there is a possibility that whoever is irritating me is on their way to their mom's funeral, or is on their way home from having put their cherished pet to sleep. Having actually experienced both situations, it helps me a lot with my natural inclination to be really judgmental and

Name: Denise I.

Yes! I've had people just decide to call me Neicy, Dee, or Den, and I won't answer them, I'll just say, "Don't call me that." If someone keeps it up, I'll quit talking to them at all. I'll also walk right out of an introduction if someone says, "Denise? Where's de-nephew?" Joking about someone's name when you meet

I understand the logic, I just disagree. If I'm riding the subway and some idiot plops their kid on the subway seat next to me and lets them kick me, I'm not doing anything to contribute to my frustrated feeling.

Now playing

You have to get a few minutes into it to get the full effect, but here's a live performance of a bunch of women old enough to be Taylor's grandma, and they aren't having any intonation issues with much more difficult vocals, and they're tap dancing.

OK, for me I don't like it, because I'm a little too literal. But I can see going from, "I feel frustrated" to, "What actions have I recently taking or am currently taking that are contributing to my frustration, that I can stop?" or "What coping skills am I using to deal with my frustration that are making it worse?"

I use these for myself. I don't have a 9-5 office job but different activities each day. When I plan out my clothes on Sunday nights it is part of my schedule review and also alerts me to any looming crises I may have missed in the laundry department before it is too late.

Exactly like you! I haven't ever really gotten comfy with making notes in e-books,. I find it too clunky or unavailable. Even with making good bookmarks, it's awkward to bounce around in reference e-books and I have found search features unsatisfying. Also, some things I know I will want to keep, and I do like them to

I read something here on lifehacker about thinking in the shower, and someone said something about how they didn't want to do that because they took theirs at night to wind down, and the response was, "Well, surely you take one in the morning too?" LOL. LOL. If I take a shower at night, the only way I take one the

My feelings on this are complicated. On the one hand, I am against mob violence and vigilante justice. On the other hand, I am the child of an alcoholic, and, I guess for my protection or self-esteem or whatever, all I ever heard was what a great guy my dad was. My 20s and most of my 30s were wasted because I was

I can see if I had a high tolerance, it might be more convenient than trimming or Nair. But I don't. And I actually hated the nude feeling after as well as the look,. I couldn't wait for it to grow back. I did have electrolysis on my underarms, and I do love that. I wear tank tops and other sleeveless clothing all the

My husband is awesome. I wanted to try a bikini wax once, and he said it was OK, but he was really concerned that it would be painful and that it would be a waste of money, and he wanted to make really sure I wasn't doing it "for him". P.S. I hated it and I have never had a second one. I use Nair and the occasional

My mother died at the age of 60. My place of employment at the time did not pay for bereavement leave. I am an only child and my father dealt with the situation by going on a bender, and my mother has only one brother who lived in another state and was permanently disabled. I ended up having to be home for three

The difficult conversations AND personality types made me remember this:
I remember one really good P.E. teacher, who subbed for our regular one, in about 4th or 5th grade. I sucked at tetherball. I hated that ball coming right for my face. Most of the kids in my grade were bigger and more rambunctious than I was and

Zappo's dropped its price on a pair of shoes within 24 hours of my ordering them. They cheerfully credited the difference back to my account upon request.

I have accepted friend requests from some college and high school classmates, and then realized they had just gotten into real estate or whatever, and were just posting their business stuff, and never liked or commented on anything I said or on anything our mutual friends posted. At whatever point I realize that's

I have been in this situation. The key I have found is, even though I am a hard core night owl, serve yourself and your passions first. I am a night owl and I got up at 4:30 AM to do my creative stuff for 4 years when I had to be someplace at 7;30 AM. I am not quite in "able to quit day job" zone, but I have