
LOL I have actually had men scold me on my facebook wall about shaming men for cat-calling, telling me that I didn't understand what harassment was, and stuff like that, and one of them actually said that women who dressed a certain way deserved to be raped. They all also sent me angry messages after I defriended

I would bet that somebody who thinks that they function really well on 4 or 5 hours of sleep plus an ADD drug is also somebody who would write a sentence like this pretty much the way a person hyped up on drugs would talk with no punctuation and they would probably think that they were very focused and feel very

What if someone is sick and cannot attend class? I definitely agree it is better to attend, but if you must miss a lecture, aren't somebody else's notes preferable to nothing?

Although, I did once have an employer who would always direct me to "reach out." I would email them. When she would later ask me, if I "reached out," I would say "Yes." She would ask, "What did they say?" I would say, "Well, some of them haven't emailed back." She would then say, "I wanted you to call them." If

I quit traveling home for holidays on my own dime when my family decided it was "too expensive" to see come to either my college graduation recital or my actual college commencement ceremony. They had money to go to Las Vegas, Washington D.C., L.A., etc. , but not see their only child graduate from college. It's not

But it would do more for cardio than just walking briskly without ever hitting a pace you couldn't maintain for 30 minutes.

My doctor says the number 1 fitness mistake people think is that they have to exercise for 30 or more minutes and at a solid pace, so if they can't run for more than a few minutes, they walk fast. He says it's much better to exercise intensely. And if you DO have 30 minutes for cardio, better to run as fast as you can

I think that 6 months is a pretty good cut off at which you can say, if you've worn it in the last 6 months, just keep it without thinking about it. But if you set a 12 month barrier, for example, this is July, and something I wore last August but not since would be automatically kept. But, that also means I've been

Interesting. When I have two events to go to, I am much more likely to blow them both off than to pick one, because once I open my mind to the possibility of missing A and the possibility of missing B, I realize that neither are mandatory. And if I'm not feeling so passionate about one or the other that it was a

Wow. You know what? I love my wine in the evening. You know what I would love more? Not getting so many mosquito bites, to which I have some kind of reaction so they invariably turn red, swell up to the size of silver dollars, and ooze weird-looking stuff for a couple of weeks. And hurt. Seriously, that's the info I

When I get in a slump, I figure that the loser/victim mentality I was raised, or some other pattern that doesn't sevre me, with is winning out over the ways I've tried to grow and cultivate myself, and I say, "'s opposite time." It's actually never failed to work.

I am going to guess, because I use Todoist, that ImmigrantFromAfar checks off one weak tie each Sunday, and then when they all have been checked, unchecks them all.

I don't necessarily forget about friends, but I am someone who just doesn't naturally think about reaching out, and loses track of time. So, this is great. I have a couple of close friends I see routinely, but I definitely need this for weak ties, acquaintances, etc.

LOL I am not enough of a designer or photo savvy to take a worthy photo, plus this project would require divulging my full identity. But I will say:
- I think motivational posters did a lot for me in junior high. I am saying that in a non-ironic way.

If I had to work in an open office without headphones, I'd be looking for my next job, because I really can't function with ambient conversation.I've always been the most effective person on my team at the office, except for one job where I was the weakest performer and guess what? Working in an open office , 8 to a

Definitely. I did have a time in my life when I got about 20 work-related emails a day, from parents of kids I was teaching. Some of them were urgent and really should have been texts : "Janie is throwing up and won't be there at 4." But sometimes there would be this long rambling 3 paragraph thing about Jimmy and his

I come from ballet and other dance training, and part of me feels like I'm not seriously ready to work if I don't have tight clothes on. I don't want any form or posture issues being hidden, and also I look good in tight workout clothes and it motivates me to keep going. I totally get you.

I am actually leaving my gym and going to a new one because my old one is now in its second summer with no A/C.

When I was a child, I always loved animals and loved playing with my stuffed animals, but I never enjoyed playing with baby dolls, and if someone had a new baby, I wasn't one of those kids who wanted to play with it or hold it. I still sometimes thought I might grow up to have kids, partly because I was a kid and I

I recently have been becoming more ruthless with keepsakes. My husband and I will not have kids. We have no living siblings and will have no nieces or nephews. We have started to be more aggressive about discarding sentimental things because there is no next generation to value them. I have actually donated a ton of