
That has been my biggest issue with teaching music lessons for kids. I have finally said that I am only available for phone discussions from 10am to 5pm, Monday - Friday. I also employ training tactics. Sometimes I'll get a call or an email on a Friday night, and I just won't respond at all. Then I'll hear something

It's not just a woman thing. I can just imagine my husband's expression if I proposed renting an office space and making up the income by renting out a room, even just a few nights a month.

Same here. I really watch a show I care about. But when I have to do something that bores me to death, like shredding papers or folding laundry, I usually look for a rerun. If it's during the day, judge shows and talk shows work too.

Tracking expenses was really helpful for me. It showed me that our cell phone bill and our satellite TV were relatively large expenses. I looked at our data and learned that we just don't need unlimited plans, and we're going to save about $100/month by moving to an AT&T shared plan. We also realized that since we

We are planning to switch to T-Mobile in a few days (once the Sprint contract on at least one of our lines is up). Especially since I learned I used 1.3 GB of data in a YEAR. Why exactly do I need a plan with unlimited data? My husband used no more, maybe even less.

A lot of people, at least doing comedy in NYC, really use Facebook almost like LinkedIn, as a way of just keeping track of people you've performed with, written with, etc. and want to keep track of. When I perform with people, I usually send an email saying that I'm sending friend requests, and that I'd like to be

It's only happened twice for me, fortunately!

I like to be aware. Networking is really important in entertainment, and sometimes what some people will do is accept your friend request and then unfriend you in a couple of days. They want to get the brownie point in your mind as having accepted their friend request without actually being your facebook friend. I

This is why I got rid of DirecTV last month and am leaving my unlimited data plan this month. I checked the limited plans available and neither I nor my husband ever hit 500mb in a month. Also, I already have Netflix streaming and Amazon Prime, and I also have SiriusXM because I am a theatre geek and I like listening

I still download music and even buy physical CDs. I think it has a lot to do with my personal tastes. I basically don't like top 40 and what is played at my gym and hair salon is enough for me to keep up and say, "Yeah, it's still not my thing." I also love Broadway, and a lot of older stuff (Elton John, Billy Joel,

We need a club!

Actually, when things are going poorly for me, I declare opposite day. It has worked pretty well, actually.

Yes, there's a difference between noticing and giving feedback regarding improvement, like, "OK, your stance is right now, so you just have to work on your aim," and, "Oh my gosh that is so great!! That basketball almost hit the hoop this time!!! Super job!!" when everyone else has been successfully making baskets for

I pay someone else to do any transpositions, even though there's nothing wrong with my music theory. I have occasion to do it so rarely that in the time it takes me to remember how to use the program effectively, I could have earned the money to pay someone to do it.

I studied classical piano and voice in college and I do still teach voice and piano, and I play a little, and I sing but musical theater. It is fun to mess around with classical singing, but I have realized that it is mathematically impossible for me to learn all of the music I have sitting around even if I made it

Yes, I was terrible at P.e> as a kid and sometimes I would do something relatively normal and to "encourage" me, the teacher would say, "Wow! Great catch! That was terrific!" when it was something basically anyone else could do without comment. I found that so embarrassing that I ended up being one of those girls who

Loved this idea so much I already got one from Ikea (I went for turquoise, myself). I'm using cat food cans as temporary feet while we decide on the perfect height for wall-mounting. I've been frustrated because I do a lot of pen/paper writing and with my dual monitors and a keyboard and mouse, I had no area really

I don't like an uncomfortable keyboard (going back to an Android phone next month from iPhone because I cannot live without SwiftKey, and iPhone's autocorrect messes me up more often than it ever suggests anything useful), BUT I find I can live with it on my P-Touch because I am generally typing 20-30 characters max.

This explains the number of students I have coming to me to audition for competitive performing arts schools who are still working in leveled method books.

It is actually important to go at least sometimes to the doctor when you are healthy because one of the things that can be an early indicator of a problem is a change. Also, knowing that something that deviates slightly is normal for you can prevent unnecessary alarm in the future. It's important to know what all your