
I floss and brush regularly and my gums never bleed. But for some reason, I don't know, increased blood pressure due to fear maybe, and/or I always seem to schedule tooth cleanings when I have PMS which gives me general inflammation problems anyway, I bleed. I also think I bleed because they poke at my gums with sharp

I am doing comedy and acting and I need it to keep up with the different people I meet in improv groups and that sort of thing. But before I started using it that way (real name on facebook and twitter), I thought about why I was doing it and what I wanted to accomplish. I don't post anything unless I would be

Also, if people could avoid putting on scented hand lotion and hand sanitizer on while actually riding the subways in NYC, that would be awesome. There's no ventilation down there and you're crushed up against other people. And by the way, what's on the subway polls and rails that is nastiest are the viruses, and the

When someone I don't know well says, "Hi, how are you?" I don't say, "Well, actually, my dog puked this morning and my cat peed on the floor, so I spent all morning cleaning up animal fluids. I'm feeling a bit nauseated myself now. I'm also worried about my bank balance. It's been a tight month. On the other hand, my

OMG this looks as if it could have only come from a hotel minibar and vending machine.

Ugh when I was in my 20s my mom would buy me jewelry with things like little hearts and teddy bears on it. And she would say something about how they were real gold and not cheap. I would always just feel sick that she had wasted her money that way because I never wore that crap in public. I guess it might be the

Once in grad school my roommates gave me a gift set from Bath & Body Works called "Stress Relief", the Eucalyptus Spearmint, and I loved it so much I still buy it for myself from time to time. Of course, they actually LIVED with me, and we had been friends the previous year, so we definitely knew each other well

I literally want to rip people's throats out when they say "the reason X is because Y". Like, literally.

The your/you're and there/they're/their can happen as a result of a typo and autocorrect. It can also happen because some people type thinking the words out loud and typing what they hear, and then will sometimes type the homophone. But at least the homophones exist. Saying "would of" and "could of" indicates that you

20+ years out of with two sedentary parents, one of whom was overweight, I was never forced to finish what was on my plate. I had to try some of everything, and I was not allowed alternate meals. My mom said she was not a short-order cook and she and my dad were not giving up any foods they loved, so

I know a Saara but it is pronounced differently. The double a is like the a in father.

This is great. I actually decided today that there were 3 top habits in the way of my goals.

I usually try to move in a way that is fast enough to be purposeful, and shows that I value my time, which I do, and that I am a healthy, fit energetic person, which I am. But, I actually think that when people go past that point, to where they are rushing, looking like they are putting effort into moving so fast,

In my single twenty-something days, I did just fine going to bed at 4 or 5 and getting up at 9. Didn't even need naps regularly. The secret was being able to sleep until 9 am. Now that I have a husband whose alarm goes off at 6:50 am, I need a good 7 hours to be able to cope with that rising time. It is a natural

When I was a child, we lived in an apartment with no kids allowed, and my parents had mainly childless friends. I received praise and reward for being undemanding, unseen, and silent. making an impact on my environment was a negative.

I am part of the 6%, and people always tell me I would make a great parent. Here's the thing. I would be different if I had kids. I'd be sleep-deprived, resentful, and bored. Repetitive tasks make me crazy. I seem like I'd be a good parent because I always have my wits about me, take great care of myself, and am

This is why I tend to work as a free-lancer or as a consultant, where I set my rates and people decide if that as palatable sometimes before they know my gender. My time is too valuable and my skills are too good to waste on someone who thinks there's something wrong with me for working in order to have a nice

I use email because I have older people I need to communicate with. On the other hand, the improv team I'm on the sub list for lets its openings be known by email, and I am essentially always the first to respond, so I basically get all the advantages of being in the group with none of the responsibilities.

I here ed in Bakersfield from the time I was 8 until til I finished high school. There are teachers and doctors advertising arnever got a. s other professionals there but unemployment is also very high, and most of the jobs available are not good. Brain scholarship to in is an issue. The vast majority of people I