
Wow, maybe its geographical. Cuz where I'm from, the mid-atlantic states, it was pretty much a given black women were the worst. We'd call "not me!" when a group of them walked in. And LORD were they picky. Especially about mixed drinks. I do not miss waiting.

No, the worst customers/tippers are black women and foreigners.

Visiting home. Opened up my Dad's laptop to get onto facebook. Low and behold I was already logged in, as Wiley McDooogal. I murmured "Who is Wiley—-" out of nowhere dad slaps down the top.

I went on a date with an atheist who, in the first 30 minutes, went on a rant "I mean whats up with Christianity?! A baby pops out magically and we all run to give him gifts? Umm okay, amirite?! Amirite?" I was sooo turned off and I'm agnostic. Dude, believe what you want, but trashing other peoples beliefs is noooot

I watch the shows I like for a bit more than the plot. I usually like the acting, the delivery, or the cinematography or the clothes or the backdrops or WHATEVER. You telling me how it all plays out, if I actually like the show, can never actually spoil the show watching. It's not like your one sentence ERRMGAWD HE

They themselves did not make that decision. Its called marketing to mainstream America, which, is still majority white.

Makes sense the bustle skirt came after this. For the attention of men. Men have always been enamored by big butts, and "exotic features" hence all the slave raping, but the appropriate social beauty standard is white. Combine both of these, black body, white skin, you've got the holy grail.

True. Everywhere is different.

I did that too! And I'm so happy I did. It served me a lot to move out of that bubble. The privilege bubble, although thankful, can be quite suffocating. I went to my public school after 9 years of private, but after seeing two people killed in one year from race-based fist fights, I went back to private school. (some

I think Jay-Z is smart, albeit selfish and an ego maniac. So they have the latter in common.

I've been saying this for years. Nothing makes me sadder than little black girls idolizing beyonce and shawn. I'm not surprised at her husbands indifference. The couple seems to have the same attitude as long as the Carters stay paaaid up, stayed up.

Sean Carter does not care about black people.

Jay-Z does not care about black people.

Everytime I read Sharpton's quotes they come out as a yell and I am startled and want to change the channel