
As a pregnant lady who has had 4 previous failed pregnancies, I kind of want to smack you in the face right now. Her body, her choice - period. I personally found the video tasteless, but she made the right decision for her, and the fact that you had (oh sorry, your wife had) a baby does not make you the arbiter of

Maybe if you could actually have a baby, rather than just hold your wife's hand while she does the hard work, you'd get it. The world does not need more people in it, and IMO, reproducing in a world that is overpopulated and overpolluted is the most selfish thing you can do.

Oh totally she did. I get pregnant as often as possible just to have an aspiration curretage abortion/pedi/mani.

They want abortion to be legal - they just want to discourage it, make sure women STILL feel adequate shame about getting "themselves" pregnant, and that women are still the ones who will suffer the consequences of fun sexytimes. So they are trying to maintain their male privilege, whilst avoiding an unwanted child.

An almost equal problem to the right-winger position, as pointed out by the Gawker comments, is that people claim to be "pro-choice but..." who also want to restrict the rights of others while claiming to be progressive. These people want women to be punished for their promiscuity almost as much as their right wing

I think this needs more mansplaining about how she doesn't have autonomy over her own body. Can someone link a couple hundred outraged screeds by angry white middle-aged men who want to control female sexuality?

Exactly. It took a week to move on the owners, but would take hours to move on a player or coach. To better illustrate the disparity, nobody is using this as an example of a culture among the owners, whereas player misconduct is always used as "proof" of some thuggish, terrible culture by observers.

Well done Adam!

Silver said the NBA's investigation included an interview with Sterling

Props to Silver. This is a really tough spot for a brand new commissioner and for him to come down with the ban is huge.

Don, Clod, Banned, Damn

...Well knock me over with a feather. I can safely say that I did not see that coming.

Can we go ahead and call Adam Silver the ballsiest commissioner in U.S. pro sports?

As a final "fuck you" to the NBA, Sterling plans on dying tomorrow.

Hear hear, we have this debate monthly and it is so tiresome and predictable. The same exact comments and responses are given each time;

Can we file this one away with the Great Pubic Hair Debate? As in, let's stop talking about it. I know men don't understand my turquoise eyeliner, OK? I've known ever since that survey in Seventeen magazine nearly two decades ago that told me that guys don't "understand" purple nail polish. I'm wearing purple nail

I'm pretty sure the basic states of matter are solid, liquid, gas, and plasma. And a serum is a liquid. Therefore, LIQUID FOUNDATION. Sorry, Bare Minerals... SCIENCE > marketing claims.

We felt that every woman deserves to have a foundation

He's different.

It's his stage name. You aren't a part of his life and thus he has no reason for you to call him his real name. If you are railing against the idea of stage name well then I think you are an idiot. Why aren't you using your real name on Kinja ohtheglory27