Denis Drew

Still going 100% “yes” on my personal poll: Would you support a federal labor rule requiring union certification elections at every [non-gov] workplace, every five years?

Never understood why charter schools with lower paid, higher turnover teachers were supposed to be superior to public schools.

Now I get it; Tina was talking about the Florida mandatory recert law -- not the proposed national cert law.

Tina, we’re down to 7% union density in private (non-gov) employment. I wouldn’t worry too much about getting lower — I would rather make our opponents worry about unions suddenly jumping up to 50-75%.

It’s about organizing a union — technically certifying/recertifying/decertifying. The idea is to skip the usual organizing effort and go straight to voting. Card check pales compared to universal union vote if you ask me.

I’m not interested in slow — I’m interested in the day after tomorrow .

I’ve never understood why schools with lower paid, higher turnover (mostly non-uinoized) teachers were expected to perform better.

About ten years ago I went to Chicago’s newly built Stroger ER, right of downtown, with chest pain (it wasn’t). Fast track with chest pain, difficulty breathing or obstetrics: ten hours. Everything else: 24 hours.

Those who were more affluent were expected to keep those poorer

Thermonuclear fusion anybody? It may take 100 years to get here (it looks like) — but may be 50 or even (possibly) 25 if we go all out and invest every possible dollar in it. Certainly wont cost five trillion.

If India and or China or any group of countries would like to break American drug monopolies they can simply offer the American public a generic of Gilead’s Harvoni to wipe out Hep C in a single stroke for a miserly $1 billion (earning themselves a nice hundreds of millions manufacturing profit, assuming similar

Why does nobody pick up on SEIU attorney Andrew Strom’s common sense proposal: federal law requiring regularly scheduled union certification at every private workplace? It is not only a simple, one stop shopping answer to today’s uniquely painful in all the world US labor market — but, it should be an automatic sell

Restore economic and political democracy = restore high labor union density:

Consumers Union used to have a quick-ref dot system up front in their used car guide: vertical line of dots for different categories of reliability areas — horizontal for years — from red to black dots depending. The Omni/Horizon block was all black dots — every one. Easy to pick out as the worst car in the whole

$100 million dollars is 1/1,400,000th of what our economy will produce over the next seven years.