
I hate these commercials with the hot burning passion of a thousand super giant suns but you forgot the worst of the bunch: the one with the car named “Brad”.

I go on a diatribe every time these commercials air. This post is a therapy session.

Thanks so, so much for this Tom. These commercials are complete crap, and I have to explain why to every non-car person if they happen to come on while we’re watching TV.

The one where the women runs into a tree makes me laugh. Did the tree suddenly jump out in front of you while on your way to work? Maybe include DRIVING LESSONS in your research next time.

I take serious umbrage with this article.

I actually laughed out when I heard that the first time. Too bad barely anyone except for car folks get’s how idiotic that ad was.

Facepalm @ “torque ratios”....

So they’ll cover it as new until I get an oil change?? 84k mile Audi TT oil change owner wasn’t an idiot, he was a Liberty Mutual customer!! Although after watching these commercials, I’m not sure that’s better...

I used to be a claims adjuster, and learned a lot about insurance—from both sides. Hey, consumer—insurance is not an account where the money you pay just sits there until something happens! Also, it’s not the adjuster’s fault you (the owner of said insurance) didn’t read/understand your policy.

I had LM for 10 years, and then just for kicks I got a Geico quote. Geico was 1/2 the cost. I switched.

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I handle claims for an insurance company and people get seriously stupid when they get into an accident. These commercials will only make that worse. “What do you mean my son is 100% at fault for the accident? Yes, I know he rear-ended the woman in front of him, but she should have

But you loved Brad!

How about the Nationwide Accident Forgiveness policy option? You are paying an extra premium for an accident before you have it. In doing so, you are telling your insurer that you have no confidence in your own driving skills.

I love the one where the oblivious presenter asks “My insurance paid me 3/4 of the price that I originally paid for my car. What do they expect, for me to buy 3/4 of a car?!”

No, you idiot. No.

This commercial is a girl basically saying she doesn’t understand how car insurance works. “I pay on time!” Yes, you are required to. That doesn’t make you special. “Tapping that other car was ‘no big deal’”. That isn’t your call to make. “Why are you punishing me by raising my rate?” The electric company isn’t

Maybe you should have done a little research on them [your insurance company]

Tom, do not challenge the insurance industry advertisers. There is no peak to the stupidity, as there can always be more to come

“Just because you pay all your bills on time doesn’t mean you are a safe driver.”

I like the one that blathers something about “torque ratios” then says it’s part of doing your homework on buying a car. I think it’s part of doing your homework for the dumbass who wrote that commercial, and they didn’t do it.