He puts it in the front hole with lubricant over and over...
He puts it in the front hole with lubricant over and over...
Keep dilating that front hole you dumb fuck
Remember when that white guy got shot by the police and all those YTs stole shoes, televisions, and set fire to THINGS?
Another race hoax...
Children in cages!
Had to dismiss some vagina hat wearing, front hole dilating hypocrite....
Lt. Gov of Virginia Justin Fairfax violently raped two women.
As my granny used to say, “We can’t have shit to ourselves.”
A former white house official under Obama is reportedly saying this sort of rape and sexually aggressive behavior was quite common and widespread. Some other sources say there could be a great deal of highly credible witnesses willing to come forward soon with harrowing tales of Joe Biden's sexually charged…
Now, that’s the kinda chick I could stick a finger into.
Smell my fingers!
I raped a woman, with my fingers. Everyone is ignoring it because I am one of the good guys. It’s great to be a Democrat!
I cleaned my fingers with bleach after I raped that young hot chick. Her hair smelled good, too!
Another race hoax. Peridot.
I wonder when we will begin investigations in Joe Biden or Justin Fairfax, you know for rape? I think they should be televised, like Kavanaughs!
No one likes to sniff niggernhair! Especially some mentally ill smooth brained autist that anyone polite might cal "limited"
This is the black version of stormfront. Same vocabulary, with a different target.
Ah yes, the luminary of western thought! Oh wise stage/sage mother!
There's just seems to be an overpopulation of aspiring rappers.