It will be "the new switch" like it was "the new 3DS"
It will be "the new switch" like it was "the new 3DS"
That’s fine if you don’t want to do any of the extra things Steam lets you do. It’s not so great if you want chat, controller remapping, remote play, or any other Steam gameplay feature not available on Epic store.
Which is even more terribly ironic since Epic has repeatedly used their position to incite people and tell Valve how to run a business. And of course snipe exclusives as late as possible, at least once AFTER the preorder page went live on Steam. I mean, can you imagine if a game launched pre-orders for ps4, xbone, and…
I think that consul exclusives make this more painful, and not less. People don’t mind choosing not to sell a game on Steam, but PC gamers have always had a sense that their games were more widely available without the lockdown of consuls. I mean, most PC’s run between twice the cost of a consul to literally an order…
You can get sued for IP stuff in China?
Ah, yes, things have changed so much. Now people choose not to get vaccines instead of not having the option.
No. Nobody has considered that because it's insane. Just the energy requirements, not to mention the risk to earth... no. Just no.
Is it though? I mean, gave you MET humans?
I think he’s saying the opposite. Everyone already knows about this tactic. That doesn’t mean gamers like it.
It might be the more appropriate route given the content, but it's absolutely the creepier one.
Or those that happen under warranty. I mean, this is a nice move from Nintendo, no point in being bitter about it.
Case in point, I “beat” Super Mario Odessey in around a week (I had a sick kid, so some extra game play time available). Even with all the extras the game isn’t as long as the shortest “full” AC game, but I am pretty happy with the $55 I spent on it. My Steam account is full of <$50 games, none of which are…
Yes, because every topic a philosopher has written a thousand pages on is permanently settled... a thousand pages of anecdotal observations from someone with no formal research experience to be countered by an untried and untested system (as of the writing).
What are your thoughts on The Dispossessed?
Verses what? Totalitarianism? We have yet to see a system that isn’t at least partially capitalist that isn’t also totalitarian, single party and ultimately single person rule. That’s just not healthy.
Look, I am not here to take a dump on social programs, but let’s not pretend that having the government run everything leads to absolutely efficient systems with no waste... or even systems that get run with less waste than capitalist systems, especially since “pure socialism”, aka communism the only way it’s ever…
That’s because everyone you know started above the poverty line and was able to leverage to get better return. If you don’t live in a liberal major coastal city, and you aren’t in on the higher end of STEM jobs, (or if you work for or are mainly funded by the government) then you probably haven’t seen your wages even…
Try before you buy, of course, but I hear the much higher frame rates on the Valve Index help alleviate some of that issue. Good luck!
Yeah, I always have to boot up Steam VR a bit in advance of showing off my Vive too. It's gotten less flakey, but there's just always a risk that some update will require a full new setup, or graphics driver updates, or... whatever. Point is, I can't just pull it out and say "hey, want to see something cool?" As much…
Yeah, and the graphics seem as good to me as PlayStation VR. Beat Saber is great. It may not be photorealistic, but neither is... anything.