
Where is the love for Trails of cold Steel series?

I remember watching the Wii U’s E3 announcement and laughing for a good minute when they announced its name. 

Wait, KH 2.8 on the 12th? I thought it was releasing on 24th?

Any good deals on 2 TB HDD coming up? Going to need one for the PS4 Pro

This takes me back to when the first Pokemon movie aired in theaters.

I assume the US airings will be in limited theaters nowhere near my area I take it?

I hope they get Revo and Linked Horizon to do the opening again.

Pretty simple answer really, Perfect Dark!

how do you figure that? could be a cosplayer.

Wow, they are releasing Okage Shadow King? The game may not look the best but was rather fun to play back in the day.

I’m surpised they could do it without losing connection to Destiny’s servers.