
False. If both parties are looking for something long term when they meet, discussing the big life stuff early is a great plan. Case in point, this couple. If they hadn’t discussed it early then it would DEFINITELY hurt like hell when they found out.

I think is better alternative. Primary sources and better organization. If you have a question the creator is readily available... this looks like a cheap knockoff :-/

Ha! Wake with the sun; be late to work 5 months out of the year because you don’t live near the equator...

Google Reader. It was how I got all my internet. I don’t even remember what made it so much better than the alternatives, I just know that Netvibes isn’t the same.

And they don’t come small enough for my child sized feet... Boo!

And they don’t come small enough for my child sized feet... Boo!

I work in a library. We have lots of blocks in our kid’s lab. The determined have circumvented most of them... I wouldn’t call them Einsteins, just humans with a “need” and access to Google.

It’s about marketing... now that it is the best selling phone in the world it gets the better apps first... not because it deservse them (or can handle them better than any other phone) but because some marketing team convinced the majority that they needed one in their pocket...

It looks like a “horse_ebooks” style bot... Probably running on a cloud based gear somewhere that shuts it down after so many days of not being messed with and the owner reboots it for big events...

I just move my fan to the floor for the winter... #lifehack

I actually love(d) Pokemon Go... And she is not wrong about any of it...

I am certified in my state to teach K-9 (as long as it’s self-contained (meaning that I teach every subject for my group of students in 5-9) I can teach ANY SUBJECT for grades K-9). I wouldn’t say that I am an expert on every subject that would fall in that range, but I could be hired. BY. A. PUBLIC. SCHOOL. to teach

The secret is combining Pokemon Go with a dog... I have talked to so many people! You walk up to the Pokestop with a lure, someone spots your dog, shreiks, “PUPPY!!!” and now you have 20 new friends... and a happy well scritched pup. Everyone wins!

I’m still wearing my volleyball spandex shorts from high school (12 years later...). They are the best. Try a sports store, maybe?