
We are bringing responsibility back to motorists — they need to be able to drive to the road conditions and their capabilities.

3.) In Massachusetts, It's Illegal To Have A Bro Truck

Thank God the NFL avoided Mr. Clancy in order to bring in the legendary largesse of Red McCombs. I say without remorse that Mike Tice owes McCombs a debt of honor for bringing him in. Although he was always in the hunt for Red's October victories, against the Patriots games always went poorly. The executive order

From Western Sahara to Mauritania. Firstly, Western Sahara is controlled by the Moroccan government, but it still has a few people who want that control to cease (call them "terrorists" or "freedom fighters" depending on your perspective) so there are lots of checkpoints before you even get to the border, and you have

And that's not normal in Queensland?! That's the state where bogans breed and then float down on warm northerly breezes.

Kiwi's are the sheep shaggers :P

Yeah you wimps, stay away. I'm off to eat my breakfast. Weet Bix with beer and spiders instead of milk and sugar , naturally.

Apparently it takes a CDL to drive an exciting volvo.

Now playing

The "Bambi bucket" wouldn't do much good on the fully involved part of a big fire, but it can be very useful for keeping something small from getting big, or point defense of a property; and as seen here they are very flexible in both targeting and the ability to use whatever water sources are available.

As someone who's been harassed by Evangelicals to listen to their version of Jesus, I can definitely say that right-wingers aren't exactly on the live-and-let-live path themselves. I can understand how someone can get so anti-theistic when you're under a barrage of sanctimonious preaching. Personally, I understand the

Thousands of voices of hoons suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. Something terrible has happened.

See? It's not always snowing here, you smug bastards.

love the paint scheme. all the need is a pin-up girl painted somewhere to make it look like an old school bomber plane.

As a father with two sons on the USTA junior circuit who dies inside seeing the injustices they silently put up with from spineless officials and cheating opponents in this traveling circus, planet AWESOME, is, indeed, the correct answer.

Tokyo's rails are very convenient and it is amazing they work as well as they do.

I think Raph is just milking it for the views.

I thought that the headline was a load of bull.

Stupid Arrival of the Birds, making me all allergic to everything all of a sudden...

Man your comment is like an answer from a GOP candidate full of words and attack but no answer, info or question for that matter not even a redirect. For this I applaud you have you thought of a career in politics or PR or cause i think yuh nailed it. +1