I really liked yours because it was creepy yet humorous to imagine a murdery psychopath thinking “I want to torture and dismember her but it sounds like she might have to poop so...pass.”
I really liked yours because it was creepy yet humorous to imagine a murdery psychopath thinking “I want to torture and dismember her but it sounds like she might have to poop so...pass.”
Whoah. Mine got featured! Lots of creepy ones this year. Can’t wait for all the reaction gifs.
Not as long as men in power continue to devalue women and femmes. They’ll never learn to treat us as existing human beings or prioritize us.
Good point. (Because a star just wasn’t enough.)
A lot of programs have a specific number of residents per year who split up the work load (time on call overnight for example). If one person quits for the year or takes a significant amount of time off this greatly increases the work load of the other residents. Most medical residencies are fairly rigid and designed…
You’re right—who wants driven, ostensibly intelligent, hard-working people having children anyway?
Look up “pink collar jobs”
I will respond to you, because this shithead will probably dismiss me. Male nurses actually earn more money then women who are nurses, it is thing called glass escalator. So every man in a industry that it is full of women is going to earn more and be in leading positions. Fields that are full of males will be giving…
The issue is that we lose out of a lot of potential talent that way. Someone might be a compassionate, skilled, insightful physician. She might be the one that finally diagnoses the problem that has been making you feel like hell for years. But we will never know because the profession forces out women who want to…
There’s vomit on his sweater already, mom’s covfefe.
It would not surprise me to learn that McDonald’s drive-thru guy/TSA security dude also said “you should smile more” when you gave him the death stare for asking for your phone number!
Mr. HP developed dad bod about 28 years ago, when I was pregnant with the oldest Little Piranha. Mr. HP made the mistake of trying to keep up with my “eating for 2", and has never recovered.
My daughter got asked out at her place of employment the other day by someone she hasn’t seen in years. It’s not ok in 2017 to randomly ask someone out. This isn’t television.
Nope, you’re wrong and your attitude sucks.
As a TSA agent, he was also in a position of authority. It’s unprofessional and not ok to ask people to do something for you when it’s even harder than normal to say no.
Ha, yes. Why do I mostly default to standoffish and cold around people that I don’t know? This shit. Life has done this to me.
“There is also no question that while sexual harassment by men in positions of power is common, it is by no means universal.” I am really starting to wonder about this. I know it is by no means universal among all working men. But I’m questioning the “men in position of power.” I’m not sure if it’s cause or effect,…
Oh yeah, sibling relationships within the family makes a huge difference. With mine, it’s like we all reached a certain age and put up this wall. We isolate and keep to ourselves; wrapped up in our own little worlds. I see it and wish it weren’t that way but it’s like wrangling cats getting us all together. Your…