
No way, no how! Absolutely not! Not even if my life depended on it!

Upgrade to Discus for comments.

Brilliant! I'll take two!

@Hilo: Did you purchase your GED from a mail order catalog?

The woman in the picture is all of 5'6" and 125 lbs, and yet she barely fits in the seat. I'm 6'2" and 240 lbs, and there is no way that I could squeeze into that seat.

@tundraboy: It's an ergonomically designed foot rest that serves double duty as your tray table.

The airlines could pack in a helluva lot more people if they used seats resembling bobsleds, and stacked 'em two high. Need to use the restroom? No problem, every passenger will be provided a complimentary catheter.

The next industry to outsource to India.