
Suddenly as I was reading the title, I had a vivid image of the Amazon rainforest on fire - Amazon Fire! What were they thinking when they named this product? Sure, it is a natural progression from Kindle - Kindle begets Fire, but I don't think Kindle invokes such a vivid image for most people. One can easily imagine

@cavitating: I vote for this one too. The Northrop design will never see the light of day because boarding and unbarring will require tons of retrofit work to modern airports, whereas the other designs appear to have the potential to work at existing airport terminals.

Any guesses on whether the iPhone 5 will have a dual GSM / CDMA chipsets?

It's a scanning electron microscope (SEM), not a scanning electronic microscope.

@Roteke: Innonative heat exchangers will extract the heat, use the methane to heat water, and sell any excess methane back to the grid.

You might be able to fit 10,000 people in there, but only if they are all 4 feet tall and packed like sardines.

@zenneth: I had the idea of being a domain lord back in the mid-ninties when,,, and many other valuable domains were available for the taking, but my conscience got the best of me.

When the snow melts it will create Lake Nagasaki.

@jameslacroix: Lest you not forget the fact that plenty of people have 2 cell phones, 1 for work and 1 for personal use.

We had our first ever no electronics Christmas. No batteries, cables or assembly required this year. Sounded like a good idea at the time. Bah, humbug!

@unsungfame: I'm with you because I don't use the FiOS remote. Instead I use the remote that came with my Vizio HDTV and it works just fine for FiOS and I can easily control all of my other devices too.

Eagerly downloaded the Verizon FiOS app for the iPad today. When I was prompted for an account, I clicked the link to "Register Now" and after a few steps of verifying basic information the site tried to download and install software. Therefore, I had to go into my home office, login to my PC, start the account

Businesses need or want similar solutions. Many have already invested in Citrix, but if this can be offered at a significant cost savings, and provide additional features, then businesses will eventually jump on board. Hover, they won't be early adopters.

@walkingagh: Who ever said anything about free automatic upgrades to every program you have ever purchased? Don't you think you might be reading to much in to this?

@Eriamjh: And a fire hazard too!

@hvrock13: Are you really that dense? He can't sell toner cartridges for more than anyone on the street would pay at Office Depot. He has to lower the price to draw in buyers. This is not crack. Although, toner is expensive and people are doing this at many other companies, just not on such a grand scale. Disclaimer,

@pixelsnader: Wikipedia is a great resource....

OK, so the first question is why would someone living alone lock the bathroom door or even close it for that matter. Assuming that she was living in an apartment, unless she was on the ground floor, she could have flooded the tub to get the attention from her neighbors downstairs.

What is the correlation to FiOS market expansion?