
The film did NOT get an overwhelmingly negative review at Cannes. This has been proven to be nothing more than a rumor with no bearing. Perhaps you hack AV writers could try a little research before just assuming popular opinion is creed?

A MUCH better recap of this epic series can be found over at Vice, who always feature better writing than the AV any day of the week:

We’re going to attack the president’s every misspelling now? It’s very easy to make a typo when using one’s phone. Get a life, AV.

This was neither shocking nor as epic as the internet wants people to believe. Anyone who honestly thought the Stark sisters weren’t going to put the fix on Lord Baylish needs to head on over to the Beginner’s section of GOT.

Running out of major characters to kill? The fucking show is nothing BUT major characters at this point. What show was this guy watching all season?