“Farley seems convinced that Ford works best in a crisis”
What about the moral and ethical obligation of professionals to not mislead their clients? Any profession that is worth respecting has rules in place that don’t let you knowingly give misleading or bad advice. This is because people go to professionals for advice on subject matter they are not familiar with. It’s the…
Yeah, they absolutely missed the message.
Screw this. If k or ok does the job that is what I am using. If you can’t handle it.....too bad.
Taint that the truth.
It’s like Chevrolet should have made a Volt-Amino.
FTFY: Tea with milk is gross.
The stupid auto preview feature actually gives me anxiety while I browse. It’s almost like a dumb game where I have to constantly keep moving through the selections in order to stave off the auto preview. I definitely use Netflix less because of it.
That’s great- I don’t like any new capability they’ve given me. If it would just play the video I ask it to play and not auto-preview or auto-play something I didn’t ask it to do I would be much happier.
always wondered how it’s possible that I see so many brand new trucks and SUVs driving around. Most aren’t below $50k brand new and many are more like $70k.
I feel as though the correct and proper thing to do would be to vandalize the shit out of the car, first, and then called the police to report a vandalized car sitting on my lawn.
100% would pay to see.
I’m right with you. sometimes I wish I could track down the people who told me high school would be “the best time of my life” and kick them in the sack (yes, they were all guys)
do me a solid and give me a ring when that happens. I’m in such a state of suspense over that matter.
I’m also curious as to where in the bible it states that interracial marriage is a no no.
I don’t think the comic is at all. The video game references and stuff are pretty incidental to the core of the plot itself: Scott Pilgrim is a shit dude who failed at becoming an adult because he’s self-absorbed and coasting by on life. Ramona Flowers is a complicated person who carries the baggage of past…
This. Forever this.