I can get a tony’s pizza (frozen pizza) for 2.50 ;)
I can get a tony’s pizza (frozen pizza) for 2.50 ;)
filled a niche?
Well now that the idea is out there... I’m sure its already on github ;)
Epic could have said, “Hey, do what we want, or lose Fortnite”
he did murder a man.. then I dont know if felt guilty about it, or just realized how stupid he was.. but he gave up. Hopefully he he never gets out.
I had to recommend NEVALRA I know the lead guitarist/vocalist ;) Not typically my jam. but gotta help get a buds name out when I can.
IF they want a death metal band, great band NEVALRA...
17 is the age of consent for sexual intercourse in many states, but once a picture is taken, then it becomes child porn and everything changes under federal laws IIRC.
As long as the party gets started I’m all for it.
... holy shit.... marriage is like a video game.. secret codes, hidden loot, it all fits...
the dad nipped it in the bud before it started is what I’m getting from the story. My guess is they fought over other stuff that warrented the preemptive strike
that made me chuckle more than it should have. Good job.
I’m getting more used to it, but I’ll make a small box with a ramp and call it good. while my kid will make a box with a ramp, thena floor over that ramp then a platform to the left so he can drop down on the guy next to the boulder and shotgun him.. i’m over here crouched trying to use a heavy sniper that is less…
I think I have an answer for this, hire Red Foreman, and then just put the phones on his feet...
how many other countries use those besides america?
i dare your to google trump dump... (I have not and do not plan too.)