
I do vaguely remember that ninja advice guy..

thats because they where being penalized for something they didnt want/need (and basically the same thing as what is being said in this argument about raising taxes.) Americans like to think they have a choice, and they are choosing to pay for their insurance, when it becomes a government mandate they get all stink

If its a government run plan, they government could simply pull the license of any non-compliant health care providers. (granted that kinda goes against what I thought The USA is supposed to stand for..)

.. i dont... i ... no...(it would be uber funny though if some one was a dna child of dead pool and no one ever realized it.)

yea, and some how I got voluntold to take care of it. 

*replied to wrong thing.

I worked in retail, a lady brought two great danes into the store. Granted they where failry well behaved, but they where not “Service Animal” behaved. one of them also launched diarrhea down the isle... so yea.. this was a big box store, where groceries are sold...

rename it “Stone Cold” ... +1 to whoever gets the reference lol

I was really hopeful that Brolly this time would not be more or less an attack dog that goes crazy.

female cell, call her Cello :LOL

Yea, but cell was decimated to the atomic level..and since he was created in a lab, does he have a soul to bring back? (I’d love to see it happen my self)

good idea, though it reminds me of Glen and Neegan... lets compromise, they have twins, a boy and girl. and when they fuse...wait.. that might only work in steven universe.. make the twins the same gender. (and I swear to frosted flakes if any one starts in about gender fluidity about this...)

youtube red?

what if Broly and Kale hooked up...they could name their kid Broccoli

Yep. I’ll reach the first half of the season and then head Canon a conclusion. Is there a second half that was scrapped? Like what they meant to do and then got forced to shoot need ones to try and get ratings up? This seems like a good series for YouTube red...

And thats why prices are going up..

would the answer to this simply be a HTCP on every TV? they dont count computer screens in their plans IIRC.

I always wanted a PowerMac G4 (or 3.. whichever had the kickass cases)

I’ll see your zip disk and raise you an LS-120 Superdisk

Spider-man 2 Spider-man: A story of clones.