
Fox IIRC already said no to comcast once before, and they have been working with disney for like 5-6 months on this deal. I think I would take the Disney stock over the comcast cash. Then once disney anounces a proper X-men reboot and their stock doubles fox could cash out like a bandit. (speaking of bandit, who owns

easier way to not accidently closing your mac apps.. use a PC

yea thats it lol. I think it was the kitchen sink.

Did not know that. Very well then :)

Right? I totally plan to swap something like this into a old F-body or fiero.

I never got to shoot any so I was wondering how they did. I also vaguely  remember seeing a personal defense round, it had IIRC a couple lead shots, and I think a small dart like projectile? may have been a prototype that never came out, something off future weapons or something like that?

Depends on how the person interprets their own actions internally, the guilt could make them feel like a monster.

my nephew did that once (he was like 5 or 6) and my Brother was like, fine. and started walking off (he went around a corner and kept watching) my nephew freaked out and starting screaming I’m sorry Dad! where are you! after which my brother walked back and took his hand. my nephew never tried that shit again.

signed yesterday.

either statement is technically true, because to take down fourteen, you must take down a dozen first ;)

ask some one who has killed in self defence, (Not that I have) I’m willing to be once they realize they took a life, it messes with them. This is playing Lucifer to be mentally human, with supernatural powers.

It would have been neat if Dan had popped up some how and capped Pierce right before Lucifer did. They could have still had the Peirce and Lucifer monologue, but then both Dan and Chloe would see Lucifer devil up. AND have another one of Lucifer’s siblings fly down and be all blinding as a double cliff hanger ^_^

Let Maze keep baby sitting, thats probably exactly what would happen. I can see it now, Trix/Maze Bounty Hunting and Detective Agency. “We do a hell of job” Would be their slogan. We need to wait about 5-7 years for Trixie to grow up, and then make this spin off. (cause I will be damned if they recast Trixie. I didn’t

Your post made me realize that Chloe may well have realized he was the devil a long time ago, and has simply been in denial this whole time.. It would have been great for her to have sat down with Linda for psych session. OH what if Linda had been hired as a in house Police Psychologist?

I also agree with everything

For a forth season, I think Peirce should take over hell, and figure out a way to send demon’s who are mad that lucifer left after him to make his life hell. Some one needs to pick up this show

and I loved the first few seasons of community. Never got into P+R though.

Yea, because they dumped Constantine and Renewed Midnight Texas (granted I do like MT, but not nearly as much as Constantine), and now they have one of my Faves coming over from fox..

... okay... I like Bjork and Feist, and this seemed like she was trying to be both at the same time.. and I just did not care for it.

I think i found through the little side feed on the left when I was reading another article. (im really bad about checking dates..) I’ve had good luck with my maglight, almost 20 years now, i put an aftermarket LED bulb in it and have never had an issue.

there was a bullete for I think a .38 that had like 30 little little bbs in a plastic “bullet” not sure if they still make those or not..