
should have came out the other side with Hornswoggle hanging off his back ;)

yea.. it has been like a quarter century... fuck.. i’m 35 years old... any ways, it could have been a saturday episode, and maybe I watched repeats on the week days.. now that I think about it, yes it was on saturday, I remember watching X-men the same day and it was on saturdays. The odd thing here, I have sister

Did not know that. I must research this.

There is also the Amazon alien chick who leads them on their quest of the ninja powers.. she made a good chunk of that movie better. (and I loved the movie any ways)

I would have totally been down for that opening...I would fight for your rights, fight for whats right!

I was ten, and watched it until the alien rangers and the zeo crystals.. and Billy left.. (I know the reasons why now, and it really pissed me off when I found out.)

She only got prettier with age, Amy Jo Johnson is more than cute now.

wouldn’t you? I mean seriously.. He also owns and runs a martial arts school IIRC. and did some UFC I think?

are talking about Jason David Frank? cause hes one the most awesome people I don’t personally know.

I say this as a pro wrestling fan, its not a sport.. popularity contest maybe, action-based type acting, sure. but no its not a sport... the shit is scripted and they know who will win... they generally don’t even use their real names..(which honestly, some of their real names would not be good for this situation.. i

huh.. I remember that happening on weekday.. because it was an OMG TOMMYS BACK !! HES THE WHITE RANGER kinda moment.. that made my day.. that day did. I was emotionally invested in that shit.

I think you might be onto something here.. we need to mashup The Middle (Jimmy Eat World)and Respect.

You know you’re doing better on your own so don’t buy in

ya know, thinking back to my youth, when i read the Venom miniseries’ venom was drawn very differently from artist to artist.. maybe the movies will do the same thing.

now see, when I explain things I do so in the most basic way posible.. it dont mater who I’m splainin to.. (13 years in customer service/retail)

Like for real, was this made by the team that made the 90's spawn movie?

Why you only have a few stars for this comment, I dont know. But I gave you another. Also, I aint fartin’ on no snare drum.

It’s only in your head you feel left out or looked down on

are you doing everything you can?

damnit Cigarette beat me to it.