+1, I can retire on 2 million and I’m only 34...
+1, I can retire on 2 million and I’m only 34...
This was hyped? I had no idea they were trying this. Maybe instead of a reunion tour, make a new album. collab with the lead singer from My Chemical Romance ;)
Lita and Chyna did it back in the day. (not sure about being at Mania, but the matches happened)
Nothing against Rousey, but I would seriously hate to see HHH in that way.. I mean, seriously, his character is built way to highly to become Vince...
I mean, I’d take 10 million in today dollars.. that would set me and family up for a good 2 or 3 generations with the proper investments..
thats what I’m afraid of.
hey now.. i kinda remember liking bio-dome... i may have to re-watch it and come back you on.. you might be fully justified..
I did not know that, I have a feeling that alone would have made those two movies worth sitting through.
a murder might be more likely to listen to reason lol
couldn’t be any worse than a congress.
I’ve never had a problem with birds. (cept my nephews cockatiel, that thing just hated every one..)
would not surprise me in the least honestly. I have long held that we don’t give animals enough credit. They have a better functioning society than we do for the most part. And squirrels.. little fuckers.. throwing their damn acorns at me for no reason. I used to feed their great great great grand parents hickory nuts…
yes lol. I would imagine so.
Its not the height that bothers me... its the landing ;)
I mean, my boat is just bent aluminum and glued screws...so yea, I probably would, slap a salvage title on it and I’ll be air borne again in no time ;)
OMG Vanishing Son LOVED that show. Did it ever a DVD release or any thing?
You leave Steven alone. It is a wonderful show.
I read up on that book (ironic I know) and yea I think its more horrific than watership down.. I’m frankly surprised that some one has not tried to remake those movies.
pretty sure he meant Bugs had been trying to kill Elmer Fudd..
I have been loving the newest version of firefox.