
The other day when referring to needing to wash the dishes I said I needed to wash the “food laundry”. I think I may be slipping.

Keep 4x4 and AC and have an MSRP around $12-13k and I’m in.

Instructions unclear, broke both arms trying to cartwheel.

I hate that in my area I have two choices for internet. Expensive Comcast with fast speeds, or expensive ATT with slow speeds. I stream 4k content fairly regularly so I have no issues brushing up against this 1TB cap now that they will be instituting it. Feelsbadman.

You could also get some El Dorado rum (5year or 8yr) for around the same price and you won’t even need to add any demerara to it to make your drink as it’s a demerara based rum which gives it a very smooth almost caramel like flavor.

Right there with ya. The ole ‘stang has been less hungry lately and I’ve only been hitting between 3-4 pedestrians a week which is a far cry from the dozens she demanded when I first got her.

1/16th of a tank on my Mustang is 1 gallon. Pretty sure I’m not able to travel between 35-80 miles on just 1 gallon of gas.

I stopped playing towards the end of WOTLK when the tech tree was reworked from being like 20 levels deep in each of the different trees to like 8 levels deep in each tree and basically every build became cookie cutter at that point. My best memories are from the early days, when you had to actually go to iron forge

This is my second reminder today that I’m getting old. The other was this morning when I was listening to an 80's-90's playlist on the way to work and I realized that generation of music is as old now, as oldies were when I was growing up... :-\

That’s a very long list.

I used to be big into flying RC planes, but now that I have to register every one of them, I have dropped the hobby entirely. In addition these new FAA rules state that “Maximum groundspeed of 100 mph” is a requirement. I have a few planes that can do more than that which are now less than legal per these regulations.

In the Houston area and my two Options are ATT & Comcast, both are terrible. I’m tempted to move to Austin just to get me some of that tasty Google Fiber.

That’s why I tell my friends I didn’t buy a home, I bought a loan.

I like using it to clean grime that builds up on pans & stove top by mixing it with baking soda and making a paste that I rub on and leave for a while then wipe away. I believe they actually had a post about it a while back here on lifehacker.

Now if only there was a device that I could buy that would remind me to replace the battery every 3 months in the device that helps me with my lost keys. I’d use my phone, but it’s lost with my keys.

Now if only there was a device that I could buy that would remind me to replace the battery every 3 months in the

People seriously use P@ssword? That’s such a weak pass. That’s why I use P@ssword1. The number makes it un-crackable.

I use Win2000 at work and am not thrilled. Is much rather have WinME.

I’m sorry, but how is WinXP better than Win2000 again?


Tell me more about these First aid “kids” that come with tourniquets