I can think of many reasons...
I can think of many reasons...
As for me, I’m afraid of gay men because I’m afraid they will see me wearing jeans with white socks. I can’t bear that humiliation.
1. What kind of self-respecting member of the LGBTQ community would have Chris Brown perform in the first place?! Seriously though. Wtf. Shame.
Battery. People, please learn the distinction.
That may be true, but it sure as hell does not give the company the right to violate its own employment contracts.
including one that would see him forfeit stock ownership and give up his rights as a company shareholder
I had no idea that her character was supposed to be older than Bradley Cooper’s. I did, however, think during the movie “Man, isn’t she a little young to have had some of these life experiences?”
I speak redneck. He’s saying that since the judge only has experience picking on weak people, he doesn’t realize that Kim Davis isn’t going to fold under this bullying. She’s stronger than that.
Its all fun and games till the Nuggets mascot hangs himself from the rafters to preserve his brain for CTE research.
Well, this wasn’t a legal governing body. This was an informal tribal council that has been declared illegal by India’s courts. But if you want to expand that just a little bit, let’s talk about any US subculture that regularly accepts — overtly — the rape of women (forced arranged marriages) or even young girls. I’ll…
Seriously. I’ve pointed this out before, but...
Say something bigoted and then scurry away while pretending the people calling you out are picking on you? How very typical.
It’s illegal in India too. It’s a group of local elders run amok and acting contrary to Indian law.
Its like fucking clockwork whenever a writer posts something about India. And the majority of the people who read this site honestly think they’re not as toxic as a Fox News or Breitbart comment board. They’re unable to talk about how utterly sickening this is without disparaging yucky brown people. Meanwhile, here in…
Amnesty notes that the punishment was handed down by an “unelected, all-male” council. Those councils operate outside of the official legal system,
But they aren’t sanctioned courts, even if locally they have the power to get away with it. Groups of white folks have been raping, torturing, and killing black folks in this country for centuries. It was still happening regularly and semi-officially in some American communities as recently as fifty years ago.
As a parent, nothing pisses me off more than having to click a button.