
Even if it’s a justified complaint, I just can’t imagine anyone, let alone Lebron, giving up on the last play in the quarter (in the Finals!) to try to complain for a call, unless it was blatant and the play was blown already. But he could’ve tried to recover and chase the ball down.

Don’t forget the undying love for Iverson, who was none of those things.

It’s stupid to say that Curry’s contract is a result of NBA stupidity.

Don’t lump Wall in with Westbrook. Wall’s the only PG right now who stacks up with Paul as far as playmaking ability, and he gets it done with somewhat less effective teammates. Westbrook, despite his improved passing, still prefers diving into a big man 8 feet from the basket to setting up a play with a pass (doubly

I was gobsmacked when I went to the south for the first time and found everyone driving the speed limit or below. It’s downright unsettling.

He’s their starter.

Yeah, ‘specially that 4. Or these lovely numbers: 14 pts (2-11, 10-13 FTs), 6 rebounds, 5 assists, 3 steals, 13 TOs.

I was going to complain about how it seems nutty that someone would pay 60k for leather seats, carpet, and an owner’s manual, but I guess when you’re talking about people who have 37K to burn on an arcade cabinet, you’re probably talking about people who would spend 60 grand more just to get special shells, leather

If Dwight hadn’t flopped over after Bogut shoved him (which was after he shoved Bogut), it would’ve been a 2.

Fucking Joey Crawford.

You seem mighty clenched, so I was going to tell you to take that Rockets branded dildo out of your ass, but that’d just mean you’d have another orifice to pour bullshit out of, so you might as well leave it in.

Yeah, Michael Jordan’s career was swept under the rug because he’s not light enough to pass.

Ahh yes, how could we forget that the NBA lets teams bring out their own home refs, much as the NFL allows teams to bring their own footballs.

+1 dead curtains.

Can I borrow “...and you don’t like the way the other person exists.” from time to time? That’s great.

Goddam, I get the entitled jerk who trashes a loaner and doesn’t understand how repairs work, I get the idiot who tries to drive with no brakes and doesn’t accept that it would be illegal (and immoral) to let him take the car. I definitely get someone who doesn’t know how much oil to put in their engine. Those are all

Men... can be victimized by a patriarchal, religious structure that prizes unblinking obedience and promises that sacrificing your life to help your deity impose their will will lead to magnificent rewards after you die? Why I never!

If you like action scenes, see it; if you don’t like action scenes, see it and you will.

As over the top as this would read to an uninformed observer, it’s a dead-on capture of the subtext underlying the MRA outrage over Fury Road.