
Token conservative here. I am absolutely appalled how the Republican party has sold it’s soul over the past year. Trump was bad, this is downright terrifying. How can the party claim to be the “Moral Majority” when they are backing a candidate who may be a serial child molester? It’s not like he took a couple free

The entire statement is rife with bullshit language. “the story told by Timothy” = meant to imply fiction. They both have “demons” = meant to discredit. What we “chose” to do together = meant to imply consent.

This is a truly harrowing tale of rape but I’m glad that this might lead to greater awareness of sexual harassment, assault, or worse in the LGBT+ community.

Was it not Jesus, who said, “Except the gays!” as he fed the crowd of people on fish and loaves of bread?

I absolutely see the logic in your reasoning and think you’re spot on about what’s going on in her head. But shit, when do we start demanding that people who lack imagination live outside of their own experiences? You’ve done about a thousand times more mental work than Pam has just in this comment, but she’s given a

There is a difference between advising women not to let their guard down and saying that women who ostensibly have let their guard down are making excuses for fucking up when they get raped while their guard is down. Will I advise my daughter to be careful and not drink too much at parties lest she end up incapable of

He needs to go. I don’t care if this was during his “showbiz” phase, pre- upstanding senator. He was a grown ass man who should have had more respect for women. He’s just as gross as the rest of them, he needs to go.

This seems like the currency equivalent of a “disruptive start-up” company that is going to “disrupt the market”. Billion dollar valuation in 12 months, then shits the bed.

“Grow a thicker skin” is sage advice here - awww, did the poor little student get mad that someone flipped her off? Nothing wrong with recruiting for a “pro-capitalism, anti-big government” organization. There’s also nothing wrong with saying you think that organization supports neo-fascism.

Before I comment on the jeep, I want to make it clear I have the utmost respect and admiration for what this man did. Grossly underweight, riddled with parasites, blood poisoning, and shot 5 times and he still got through the most fortified and militarized border on Earth? Seriously, somebody find him something importa

30 years of teaching.

Are you naive enough to think that the GOP doesn’t already have hundreds of staffers combing through old records and conducting interviews trying to find accusers for every important 2018 seat?

The timing here is VERY suspicious. And so is the woman. I looked into her Twitter and her profile says “God-liver”... could she be a christian evangelical? If so, it would explain why she’s falsely accusing Al.

You’re confused. No one is silencing white supremacists and the KKK. What they’re facing is social consequences for their speech. This is the government coming after a woman for exercising free speech in the public square. No government agency went after Trump voters wearing Trump That Bitch t-shirts.

“Think of the children!” defense usually pops up with these assholes. Then they go vote for Moore.

I don’t work in law enforcement, but I do watch a lot of people play LEOs on I don’t understand how they can pretend they weren’t threatening/shaming her on FB rather than trying to find her when they could probably look up the car’s owner through the DMV. They didn’t want to talk to her, they wanted to send a

Wouldn’t having a doctor insert a central line be a violation of the oath they take to “Do no harm”?