Not from Denmark.
Not from Denmark.
It's totally a real thing! I went to Sicily last summer and one time I was TRYING to say, "Good morning, I would like a cappuccino please" but instead I was all, "I oppose gay adoption, and synthetic babies are an abomination against God and nature." It was so embarrassing.
"...if I judged him based on the words that he misuses in our English language he wouldn't be here today."
I love how you potentially/probably saved your and your coworkers' lives and a bunch of bros still chime in like "cool story, but I just reeeeeally need to correct you on this one thing that you weren't even wrong about". Way to prove the entire point of the article. (This gif is for them, not you, but I didn't want…
Oh, fuck off. You're unnecessarily splitting hairs here and you fucking know it.
My ex-husband used to do this to me, and what made it worse was that it was usually about things within my field of expertise and not his. In college (BEFORE we were married, so maybe this should have been a red flag of some kind...) I was doing my senior thesis on early Christian Gnosticism, and was having a…
Clearly, she smelled something. Something that really got her attention. But hey, I'm just a woman, which means I'm a defective man.
Did you bother to read the whole story or the comments?
Me: This is the answer, blah, blah.
Really, I HAD NO IDEA.
I've taken to looking at my husband like a madman and telling him he needs to calm down so we can discuss things rationally whenever he starts getting upset or frustrated. The look I get in response is PRICELESS.
Women are ignored and talked down to? Nonsense, you're just being hysterical!
Chilean whites. Argentine reds. Duh!
She was hysterical when she first found out, I had to stop her from breaking his truck's window with a hammer after she initially hit it with a shovel with no results (she was pregnant at the time and probably would have hurt herself). But this was 4 years ago, so she's now on good terms with her dad (though she'll…
Okay. It's long!
The "caught" part: He had asked me to grab his phone and take it to him at work, since he'd forgotten it. It was on my way to my job so of course I did it. I grabbed it and at some point needed the time or something so I clicked it open (pre-password days) and saw a winky-face text from number with a…
A friend of mine called his wife while we were in Afghanistan. She was really excited that to tell him that she was eight weeks pregnant. One problem: we had been in Afghanistan for three months. Turns out his wife was kinda bad at math.
I had accidentally lost a friend's favorite book and was too embarrassed to tell him so I told my boyfriend to keep it to himself as I stalled, hoping I would either find it or be able to replace it before he asked me to return it. Our (mutual) friend admitted that my boyfriend had spilled the beans a long time ago.…