
Your characterization is that the reason the employees had not spoken out was, “fear of reprisal among them.” How can you possibly infer that from this post or the HuffPo? You make is sound as if these women are weak and afraid when they may have thought, due to the usual egalitarian atmosphere they experienced at

You are deliberately mischaracterizing (as usual), so I will quote from that very article:

The staff, I think, has shown exactly the opposite. They became aware of behavior that was inapposite to the ideals and goals of the firm and killed it. The conservative response would have been to have him resign to “spend more time with his family” and bury the allegations as deeply as possible.

I admit that I have been a fan of $28 Votivo candles for years. Shoutout to Red Currant and Fresh Tomato Leaf.

Nope. Dad has his own business and they are really middle class “rich.” It struck me as strange that a middle class upbringing was called “affluenza.”

He has a good lawyer, believe me.

I asked the owner of my fave Pakistani restaurant if everything was ok when I stopped in on Thursday. It’s close to the Islamic Center that was torched earlier this year. I worry.

True. I was looking at a non-issue. Though I think it will come down to sexual infractions rather than assaultive ones. Or a combo. Depends on their experts.

The civil rights statute they are using, Section 1983, allows for suits against individuals acting under color of state law for deprivation of federal civil rights. In order to hold a government entity liable, the plaintiff must demonstrate that the deprivation of rights was due to a policy of the entity. Raping black

And? Perhaps narcissistic parents with money tend to use money as a control device or is that just too logical? Seems that many of you think having a little extra money is worth being physically, verbally and emotionally abused. Was a materially comfortable existence as a minor worth the C-PTSD as an adult? You seem

Sure. Cut her off because she won’t call. That’s so rational. Snark aside, this is one controlling mother who needs to back off.

Not really. Using money and threatening to cut off contact with your child because they won’t call you back during the first semester of college is extreme. I cannot believe people think this is ok.

Believe me, if you had a narcissistic parent, your take would be radically different. Everything “seems” normal on the surface, but it is far from it.

Lesson: Don’t give anyone shit about family or “manners” unless and until you know what the situation is. That’s a pretty basic lesson and one you should know if you have any empathy.

I don’t agree at all. I was very bothered by this mother using money to manipulate her adult child. And she has so many ideas on how to do it. That’s not difficulty adjusting, it’s being a really shitty parent.

Due is mine.

The Texas Tea Party. And mindless racists like my dad’s wife. And probably my dad, too.

A black Iraq veteran was a victim. His name is Ke’Arre Stewart. Fuck Carly Fiorna.

Sorry I don’t have the power to ungrey this, but I’m grey too.

Not a doctor, but I think you’re close to the truth. Skin breakdown from lack of blood flow and bingo.