
I understand your viewpoint. I initially was dying for Warren to run and was sad when she said no and didn't think I was going to vote for anyone. Then I started listening to Sanders talk, his speeches and his platform and became more and more engaged. There is some misogyny in a few Sanders supporters, but they are

No it is because calling supporters online of Sanders Bernie Bros generalizes all men that support him as frat drinking idiots. This is far from the truth, but it is how the discussion is framed. I understand your concern about women's rights, but Sanders has a 100% rating from Planned Parenthood and on women's

You do realize calling people Bernie Bros is sexist just as it is sexist to call people Hill Bots? No one likes their point of view being marginalized. I don't condone rude comments from either side, yet I do see it coming from both sides. I think Sanders has a lot of Republican supporters that are also Trump

You seem very aggressive. People need to chill out. Read up on each candidate and make your best well informed decision as possible as which was you want your country to go. Stop talking past each other, just go read and make your decision. I'm voting for the Blue M&M. Yum!