
I don't think rule by successive television personalities is what they meant when they coined the phrase The Golden Age of Television.

Actually, you have to sit through this one (not granting that these things are in any way comparable, but ok) less than some people had to sit through Milo's bile shower.

While Milo's shtick was the fifteen minutes of hate. Seems about proportional.

Oh yeah. I think people underestimate how valuable Trump's people find plausible deniability.

He did let Sean Spicer use the attack to justify the 'muslim ban.' Meaning: insinuate to his supporters that the attacker was muslim, and not the other way around. Many do still believe it I'm sure.

You don't need to delay a lot after reporting patently false information before retracting it to know some people have accepted as the truth. To millions of people the witness of Moroccan origin is now the shooter instead of less convenient rabid dog Alexandre Bissonnette.

They used to say "cosmopolite."

Then why did I have the Bowling Green, Bart?

I think it would have been a better move to either have just Invasion Day, or Invasion Day with a very meaningful scene at the very end (maybe find a way to just have the scene of Will showing up at that house at the end.) So I definitely don't think it's weird that you'd feel that way. As it is the structure was kind

There would be a lot to unpack here (starting with repeating that no, it's not just feminists that were 'horrified' by American Psycho, it's not 'feminists' that declared it 'harmful to minors' in Germany, which is actually the kind of thing that had an impact on the book beyond people saying that they thought about

"but I've never seen or heard of reporters, editorialists or book authors prevented from using it."

"attempting to control ideas by controlling speech"

Looking it up, the novel goes as far as to imply that Father Merrin believes the demon's name to be Pazuzu.

I'm pretty sure the statue is named in the novel, but not in the film (though it's clearly a statue of Pazuzu.) They just never then have a character refer to the demon by the name, though the implication is that the statue (of Pazuzu) and the possession are connected.

In the original movie in the first scene a statue of the mythological Pazuzu is uncovered.

Captain Assassin Canary Lance.

Are you watching it? I'm finding it hard to take how much they're hyping the main character with a straight face, two episodes in.

Don't forget Constantius and the two Constans'!

And it's not even the centerpiece of his plan or anything! The theme is that he'll make superheroism his toy. He kills heroes, he plays hero but, and he wants Mr Incredible to hear this, he'll throw it away because it's nothing to him.

But they were young back then, obviously that correlates with not being in the EU. Now they'll be young again!