
And that's after someone trying to kill him with a cruise missile once before didn't stick, already.

Alcatraz's one and only season was a sound morality tale about how you shouldn't trust your criminal time travelling grandpa not to stab you.

I know I once saw something with a "Judas betrayed Jesus on his say so" interpretation, but I don't think it was Jesus Christ Superstar.

It's weird, I was kind of iffy on some of the choices they'd made when it came time to portray the AIs more intimately: Samaritan's hellspawn mouthpiece, the big text messages from the machine, and such.

I just caught up with the episode, so it works out for me!

A character that was portrayed by John Hurt cannot still be alive.

Between Sotto Voce and this episode they do seem to be pulling in less universally beloved characters for a final (and better!) impression!

Arthur Conan Doyle makes for a very mild Scully.

You could even say it's… primary.

It turns out that sometimes, when you aim to make a shitty show, it turns out actually shitty and not brilliant shitty.

I know!

Yeah, the episode isn't structured around the death, so by virtue of making that the centerpiece in everyone's mind through the spoiler it skews everything.

But didn't recognize him as a famous serial killer.

I think that's going to be my reading of how Sherlock responded to Watson's suspicion with something that I remember boiling down to a "you're right" without elaborating (and while clearly considering the case likely as advertised:) he already had a guess.

I had to rewind that one a couple of times…

Then don't stick with the original cast? Maybe I should have stuck with it for more than one episode, then! Oooooooo, boom!

When I feel like this about people I know, it's because I feel like I've been left behind in an arrested development kind of way. So divorces wouldn't help me out! Just like a divorce wouldn't have made Peter Parker seem younger again (or so I've been told.)

Personally, this specific kind of situation isn't when I'm watching the face!

The body, Trubel and the head being taken is something that happened in this episode though. Personally I didn't remember the order in which events from the last episode happened. I had to wait until they mentioned an helicopter to remember that Nick finding the head and Juliette dying (and therefore Chavez' people